US Call Center Solutions:

Exceptional Outsourcing with Security and Quality You Can Trust

Want to increase your scalability, team expertise, service quality and profitability? Outsourcing to a qualified US call center is one of the best to scale up your service quality and volume without sacrificing your budget. Our US-based teams at Global Response can bring you the exceptional customer experiences your audience deserves alongside security and compliance. And since outsourcing is typically cheaper than hiring in-house, we can bring you scalability and flexibility for your growing business as well.

Why Work with our US Call Centers?

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Is outsourcing really worth it compared to hiring in-house? In fact, outsourcing offers a host of benefits that in-house teams can’t manage—and outsourcing to the US offers even more benefits compared to other outsourcing locations. The domestic call centers at Global Response offer world-class customer service along with advanced expertise, flexibility and scalability. Some of the biggest benefits of outsourcing domestically include:

Increased security and compliance.

For some industries—for example, Healthcare or Finance—outsourcing to a US call center makes meeting security and compliance regulations much easier. Industries with strict regulations and especially sensitive customer data benefit from keeping everything onshore and avoiding international regulations and security issues. In fact, for many, the increased security and high levels of compliance of onshore call centers is reason enough to keep things close to home.

High levels of quality and expertise.

No getting around it—onshoring is typically more expensive when it comes to labor compared to other outsourcing locations. But the truth is—you get what you pay for. Onshore outsourcing provides much higher quality and expertise compared with offshoring or nearshoring, allowing you to get better results and higher ROI on your investment. This is especially true when it comes to sales and the medical field.

Stronger cultural and linguistic connection.

A common outsourcing problem is lowered quality due to miscommunications, poor English fluency or other cultural misunderstandings. This often results in fewer great customer experiences and a sense among customers that they aren’t really valued or taken care of. Outsourcing to a US call center team eliminates these communication shortcomings and failures and ensures that your customers always receive great service.

Increased alignment and efficiency.

Working with a US call center team also makes communication easier for your internal teams as well. With similar time zones, accessible call center locations and increased cultural familiarity, you can move projects forward faster and more efficiently, increasing productivity and creating more cost-effective results for your business.

a US call center agent wearing a headset at their desk

About Global Responses Onshore Outsourcing

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At Global Response, we’ve designed our onshore call centers to create maximum potential for efficiency, collaboration and high-quality customer experiences.

We have a variety of US call center locations, such as Utah, Montana, Florida, Ohio and more, which allows you to choose a location that sits within your local time zone and is just an easy flight away. This proximity not only supports accessibility and increases your control over your call center operations, but it also improves collaboration and efficiency.

A US call center agent working at their desk

Each of our onshore team offers different benefits. For example, our Texas team is one of our largest, offering affordable onshore rates with a strong English-Spanish bilingual presence to support your call center. Our Utah team is home to a very educated population, with several universities located within a half-hour of our Utah headquarters. The University of Utah, located nearby, has one of the best medical schools in the country, allowing us to find highly trained medical staff for your team, including CAN’s, RN’s, and Physicians Assistants.

We also use smartshoring and remote working capabilities to hire the best agents, management and staff so your teams can be full of the specialized expertise and deep experience necessary to deliver standout customer experiences in every interaction. Remote working also allows us to hire higher-quality candidates at a lower cost, passing along those cost-savings to you.

Whether you’re a luxury brand looking to provide higher levels of service or clienteling than is possible elsewhere, or you are in a sensitive industry and need to provide the highest levels of security and empathy to your clients, our US call centers offer exceptional customer service, clienteling, tech support, outbound marketing and more for your audience.

US Call Center Services

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Our US call centers offer a wide range of services to serve your needs. For example, we offer:

US Inbound Call Centers Solutions | Inbound Call Icon

Support fluctuating or seasonal call volume spikes with an inbound call center that can scale up and back to meet your needs, while remaining cost-effective.

Mexico Outbound Call Center Services | Outbound Icon

Manage telemarketing, customer research, consumer surveys or other outbound communication with strategic outbound support.

Mexico Multichannel / Omnichannel Support | Omnichannel ICON

In today’s world, it’s essential to provide customers with support on any channel—and a seamless experience as they move between them. Our omnichannel support gives you the leg up to provide seamless experiences.

Mexico Tier 1 & Tier 2 Technical Support | Tech Icon

Scale up your sales with outbound calling such as telemarketing, high-quality lead generation that’s pre-vetted for your sales team and more!

Mexico Business Process Outsourcing | BPO Icon

Is there another aspect of your business or workflows that needs optimization? Our BPO teams can audit, improve, and optimize business processes for increased productivity and results.

Mexico Multilingual Support | Translation Icon

Local tech support provides an easy-to-understand and accurate solution for common and complex technical issues every time.

Industries we serve

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Which industries should consider using a US call center? Our teams serve a wide variety of industries, including:

How To Choose The Right Domestic Call Center

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As with any call center, onshore call centers and BPO partners should be carefully vetted before signing a contract. Unfortunately, many clients make the mistake of assuming that US-based call centers are all high-quality, but that’s not always the case. Be sure you look for a call center that provides:

Flexibility and scalability
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Ideally, your call center should provide you with both flexibility for the short-term and scalability for the long-term. This allows your provider to continue meeting your needs, even as those needs change, as well as provide you with cost-effective solutions to adjust team sizes and capabilities as needed.

Technology and infrastructure
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Although the US generally has excellent infrastructure, a great call center partner should also offer your team best-in-class technology and software that can keep your call center running smoothly.

Proven results
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Most importantly, you want your call center to be able to demonstrate that they can get the results you need. Whether this comes in the form of client reviews, testimonials, case studies, a portfolio or some other form, clear and demonstrable evidence that your potential provider can achieve the results you need is critical.

Experience and expertise
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Experience and expertise within customer service and CX is a must, but a great call center provider also should be able to demonstrate experience within your industry and market. Looking through a roster of current or past clients and checking out case studies can help you gauge the experience of your potential call center.

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Lastly, great communication is a must for call centers. The vetting process can show you a lot about how the communication will be throughout your entire partnership—so if it’s rough from the beginning, it’s not likely to improve once you sign a contract. Look for a communication process that is clear, honest and feels effortless.

How do US Call Centers Compare?

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Market Size Large labor market makes scaling and flexible solutions easy A large and highly skilled labor market makes it easy to find the expertise you need Smaller labor market due to geographic size can limit scalability and flexibility Large labor market makes it possible to scale quickly, but with some quality issues Large labor market makes scaling easy and cost-effective Large labor market makes it possible to scale quickly
Infrastructure and technology Strong infrastructure and technology caters to a US market Infrastructure and technology will adhere to US norms and regulations Infrastructure may be less sophisticated or consistent compared to other nearshoring locations Infrastructure is often less sophisticated or consistent compared to other outsourcing locations Cultural focus on technology and innovation supports infrastructure and modern tech Infrastructure may be less sophisticated or consistent compared to other locations
Cultural or Linguistic Compatibility Proximity to the US means cultural or linguistic barriers rarely exist High cultural and linguistic compatibility and understanding due to shared culture and background Proximity to the US means cultural or linguistic barriers rarely exist Cultural and linguistic barriers are common issues, especially in customer-facing roles Proximity to Europe heightens familiarity with Western cultures and languages Cultural compatibility with Western countries make connecting with customers easier
Taxes and Business Tax incentives and exchanges rates in Mexico are favorable for US businesses US-based outsourcing offers familiar tax and legal systems, without the need for additional business paperwork or taxation requirements As a US territory, taxes and legal systems don’t offer any unique benefits, and have additional complications since Puerto Rico is not an official state. No specific tax benefits or legal incentives No specific tax benefits or legal incentives, though proximity to Europe increases familiarity with Western business models No specific tax benefits or legal incentives
Multilingual Availability Multilingual agents are very common, typically fluent in Spanish and English Multilingual or bilingual agents are not as common, but will be fluent in languages that matter to your audiences Multilingual agents are very common, typically fluent in Spanish and English Many multilingual agents, but may not be fluent in relevant languages Multilingual agents often speak French and English Many multilingual agents, but may not be fluent in relevant languages
Proximity Geographic proximity makes accessibility, collaboration and communication easy Nearby call centers make accessibility and collaboration easy Geographic proximity makes accessibility, collaboration and communication easy Geographic distance creates barriers to accessibility and collaboration Proximity to Europe makes call centers more accessible for clients Geographic distance can create less control and collaboration available
Cost & Quality Very cost-effective option with a good balance of affordability and quality Typically offers the highest service quality available, with lower costs than working in-house. Cost-effective option with a good balance of affordability and quality Very affordable services, but often with a lower service quality Very affordable services with a high service quality Very affordable services, but often with some language or communication barriers

US call center FAQs

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There’s no one “best place” in the US for outsourcing; it all depends on what you’re looking for. Many companies prefer to outsource to a domestic location near their headquarters, to increase accessibility and collaboration. Others prefer to outsource to an area with a cheaper cost-of-living, to reduce hiring and labor costs. At Global Response, we have US call centers located in Utah, Texas, Ohio, Montana and more.

Outsourcing within the US allows you to gain access to higher quality of services and levels of expertise, while still allowing scalability, flexibility and cost-effective labor. Not only is domestic outsourcing more cost-effective and less resource-intensive than managing an in-house team, but keeping labor onshore also provides far fewer legal, linguistic, tax-related or compliance issues.

It’s true that offshore locations often have cheaper labor, but that labor quality may not be as good as what you’ll find in the US. As a result, companies who are looking for the highest quality customer service or BPO consulting typically will want to prioritize onshore locations. In addition, onshore call centers provide higher levels of accessibility, collaboration, control, compliance and security (in most cases), and communication.

While it’s often cheaper to outsource to an offshore location, like the Philippines or India, for high-quality services, domestic outsourcing is much more cost-effective than managing an in-house team. In-house teams cost more in terms of increased overhead, HR resources, management salaries, training, software and so on. With outsourcing, these overhead costs are greatly reduced, and you can also find more cost-effective ways to manage your outsourced team so you don’t have to pay for more labor than you need—no matter the season or your current call volume.

See results from our US Call Centers

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Want to see how Global Response can provide results for your business?

Take a look at some of our client stories or connect with an expert from our team to see how outsourcing domestically in one of our US call centers can help you provide your customers with exceptional experiences.

Connect with a customer experience consultant

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Find out how our nearshoring strategies can help transform your CX today.