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What we do

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When it comes to your brand, we’ve got your back – and your customer’s hand.

We approach each partner, project, and customer experience with a personal curiosity, laser-focused on their unique needs. You deserve a service custom-tailored to your pain points, passion, and unique vision. By combining our decades of expertise with state-of-the-art technology and high-touch training, we deliver happy customers and business results.

Our success stories include:

We support some of the best brands in the world – each one changing the game in their industries. But don’t take our word for it. Here are some of their stories.


Is Your Call Center Failing to Convert?

In 2018, one of the world’s leading financial institutions needed a new customer engagement solution. Their call center conversions were only 15% and nothing was making a dent.

How to Triple Conversion Rates Through Cutting-Edge Sales Strategies

We knew we could make the difference. At Global Response, we go beyond a run-of-the-mill “call center” and deliver brand-focused strategies and human-centric services that deliver results. 

With this FinTech client, we were able to deliver key insights and improve call flow to literally triple conversion rates.

In the words of our partner, “We are extremely impressed with Global Response’s ability to continually achieve high conversion rates far exceeding the original expectations. We all agree these high conversions accomplished using a ‘no pressure’ approach are a unicorn in this very aggressive and crowded industry.”


Looking for a way to improve in-store customer experiences?

Our retail clients faced incredible change and challenges through the Covid-19 pandemic. For one client, in particular, figuring out how to navigate customer complaints and expectations was tough, and they were struggling to reach their business goals.

How Digitally-Integrated Data Solutions Elevate In-Store Experiences

Our omnichannel customer experience management changed the game for this client. We brought in a state-of-the-art CRM system that pulls data from phone and email support, Facebook messaging, Twitter messaging, and Google reviews. We provided our retail partner with real-time, actionable data to support a seamless experience for customers in their stores.

Our solutions work. The global retailer in this case has improved KPIs and customer experiences across the board. With the key insights provided through our team, they were able to reduce customer complaints, increase customer satisfaction, and improve safety – all while achieving higher retention and business goals.

HEalth &

Handling a sudden influx in online orders during a supply chain crisis.

One of our longtime partners – a global cosmetics company – experienced an unprecedented holiday rush in 2020. A combination of increased orders and shipping delays due to Covid-19 caused backlogs and a surge in customer needs. How could they rapidly scale and train their staff in time to save the holidays?

How we decreased average ramp time by 60% during the holiday rush.

At Global Response, our partners’ challenges are ours, too. That’s why we make sure our customer experience management team is nimble enough to quickly change priorities and jump on every possible strategy to solve problems as soon as they arise. 

For this cosmetics partner, we instantly streamlined training and set up a triage system for customer responses. We were able to reduce new trainee ramp time to only 48 hours, increase our on-demand team by 40%, and significantly increase average response time. We tackled every inquiry and kept the holiday spirit alive!

Electric &

Is your brand reputation suffering because of your call center?

We meet potential partners all the time who are frustrated by call centers that act more like call mills. They don’t represent the excellence of the brand or the customer value that our partners care about. How can you scale a contact center without sacrificing brand value?

How we become an extension of your brand.

We take your brand seriously. Our team of skilled, ambitious people are trained to become true brand specialists, adopting our “one team” mindset to help make your goals a reality. 

One of our partners is an automotive technology company that’s changing the game for electric vehicles in dense urban settings. They were looking for a customer experience partner that would represent their brand with excellence and unmatched care. And that’s exactly what we took on. 

With this partnership, we were able to provide real-time dashboards, flexibility for on-demand needs, and a nimble approach to staffing no matter what season of growth they’re in. Our team efforts resulted in exceeding KPIs at a consistent 95% for 2021.


The struggle to scale processes and keep employees.

Another global retail partner was recently struggling to keep their stores staffed. Employee attrition was high and stores didn’t have enough support. They were looking for help and found it with us.

How strategic customer service improvements changed employee attrition.

We were able to thoroughly investigate the customer service processes with our partner and use fresh data and customer analytics to make improvements that changed the game.

By using voice analytics, a multi-phase internal tracking project, and best practices in loyalty strategies, we were able to turn attrition rates around and help our partner scale in-store customer engagement. By doing so, they lowered attrition rates by 3% and 6%.

Discover the difference today.

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