a USA based call center agent talking on the phone
Call Center Outsourcing

Navigating Regulatory Compliance: The Advantage of Call Centers in the USA

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You’ve decided to outsource customer service to a third-party provider. Now you just have to choose which one—and where. 

Today, we will explore how call centers in the USA have an advantage when adhering to regulatory compliance. We’ll look at several key regulations that affect call center compliance. We’ll also discuss the hidden costs and challenges of working with an offshore service provider.

Let’s dive in.

Understanding regulatory compliance in call centers

Call center compliance is the set of federal, state, and international rules that govern call center practices. It encompasses:

  • The protection of customer data and privacy
  • The use of fair and transparent communication practices
  • The adherence to ethical business practices

There are numerous regulations to be aware of. Here are the top five regulations that affect call centers in the USA today:

  1. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): Call centers are not allowed to record, store, or save customer credit card information.
  2. The Do Not Call (DNC) list: Individuals can register their information on the DNC list to stop receiving telemarketing calls. Call centers must legally respect this list and cannot call registered customers.
  3. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA): Call centers cannot use automated dialing systems, pre-recorded voice messages, or text messaging.
  4. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA applies to call centers handling healthcare information, and ensures that patient’s data is protected.
  5. The Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR): Call centers must provide accurate information to their customers regarding the goods and services they provide.

Many states have additional privacy regulations, call recording laws, and specific telemarketing regulations. And if the call center is offshore, it must also follow its own country’s laws.

Compliance advantages available to call centers in the USA

With state, federal, and international regulations, compliance can get quite complicated. Even more, regulations are constantly changing.  That is why it is so advantageous to work with domestic call centers. U.S.-based call centers inherently have the following:

A shared language and culture: Domestic call centers comprise of native English speakers who share the same language and culture as your customers. This ease of communication significantly reduces misunderstandings and ensures compliance with regulations that require clear disclosures and consent.

Greater awareness of the local regulatory landscape: U.S.-based centers are familiar with and adhere to federal and state regulations, which govern telemarketing activities and ensure the protection of consumer data. Domestic call can also quickly adapt to changes in laws and regulations.

Access to legal expertise and resources to ensure ongoing compliance: Being based in the same country, domestic call centers have easier access to local legal experts, consultants, and advisors. This facilitates timely and accurate legal advice, helping to mitigate risks associated with non-compliance.

Ability to collaborate more closely, which allows you to monitor quality more easily: Being within the same legal jurisdiction makes it easier for businesses to conduct audits, perform quality checks, and have direct oversight of the call center operations. This proximity leads to better enforcement of compliance standards and quality controls.

An understanding of the market and customer expectations: U.S.-based call centers naturally understand the current state of the market, cultural norms, and customer expectations. This allows agents to more effectively serve your customers, as they understand nuances and hidden expectations. What’s more, it allows them to strategically upsell and cross-sell while fully remaining in line with U.S. business practices and consumer protection standards.

Domestic call centers know the risks: substantial fines, legal challenges, and damage to your reputation. As such, they significantly invest in compliance training, data security measures, and other necessary infrastructure to meet regulatory standards. When working with a domestic call center, you can be sure they are complying with U.S. standards.

Compliance challenges of offshore call centers

That’s not to say offshore call centers aren’t fully aware of the need for compliance and the associated risks. It’s simply more challenging to adhere to U.S. standards when their country’s laws differ.

Here are 10 of the main challenges offshore call centers face with compliance.

  1. Data Protection and privacy laws: Different countries have varying data protection laws. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union imposes strict rules on data handling. This may differ from the regulations in the country where the call center operates.
  2. Consumer protection laws: Offshore call centers must comply with the consumer protection laws of the customer’s country. This includes regulations on telemarketing, consumer rights, and advertising standards.
  3. Security standards: Maintaining high-security standards to protect customer data can be challenging. This is especially true if the offshore location has less stringent requirements.
  4. Quality control and service standards: Ensuring that the service meets the quality standards expected in the customer’s country is challenging. This includes language proficiency, response times, and resolution rates.
  5. Employment laws: Differences in employment laws pose challenges in maintaining compliance with local and international standards. This includes laws around working hours, wages, and labor rights.
  6. Telecommunication regulations: It is difficult to comply with the telecommunication regulations of the customer’s country. This is especially true for cross-border transmission of data and voice calls.
  7. Financial regulations: A call center that handles financial transactions or services must adhere to the economic regulations and anti-money laundering laws of the customer’s country.
  8. Cultural and ethical standards: It is challenging to communicate and align with the cultural norms and ethical standards of the customer’s region. This influences customer satisfaction and brand perception.
  9. Language and communication barriers: It is difficult to overcome language differences and ensure clear communication, both of which are essential for customer service and legal compliance.
  10. Legal challenges: Navigating the legal system can be incredibly complex for offshore call centers, especially if the case involves multiple countries’ legal systems.

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Technology and compliance in U.S. call centers

Technological advancements have significantly helped call centers comply with regulatory requirements. How?
  • Tools can automatically monitor calls and digital communications to flag non-compliance issues in real time. 
  • Advanced encryption technologies ensure customer data is securely transmitted and stored. 
  • Call recording technologies allow call centers to store and retrieve interactions for auditing, training, and quality assurance.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates routine, rule-based tasks. This ensures compliance procedures are executed without human error. 
  • Advanced verification technologies, like biometrics and two-factor authentication, help prevent fraud.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can be integrated with compliance tools to ensure customer data is handled correctly.
  • Advanced e-learning platforms provide ongoing training and updates to call center staff on the latest regulatory requirements.

Training and staffing for call center compliance

Beyond technology, it is critical to keep your staff informed of regulatory requirements and changes. Make a habit of implementing the following best practices to ensure both your company and the call center you work with are up-to-date:
  1. Provide ongoing training and regular refresher courses to keep employees up-to-date with the latest regulatory requirements.
  2. Tailor training programs according to the specific roles and responsibilities of employees. Different teams require different levels of understanding and applications of certain regulations.
  3. Incorporate real-life scenarios and role-playing exercises into training. This helps employees understand how to apply regulatory guidelines in actual customer interactions.
  4. Clearly communicate the consequences of non-compliance for the company and individual employees.
  5. After training, consistently monitor calls. Provide coaching and feedback to reinforce regulatory compliance in day-to-day operations.

Cost implications of compliance

Evaluating the total cost, including the penalties for failure to comply, is critical when considering compliance costs. Let’s analyze the cost-benefit of domestic versus offshore call centers to better understand.
The Advantages of U.S. call centers –   Better positioned to comply with regulations –   Understand cultural nuances and customer expectations to provide higher quality customer service more easily –   Able to seamlessly communicate with clients and customers –   Offer more robust data security in accordance with U.S. data protection laws The Advantages of offshore call centers –   Lower labor and operation costs –   24/7 service capability –   Easily scalable
This Disadvantages of U.S. call centers –   Higher labor and operation costs –   Limited ability to scale up or down due to higher labor costs and regulatory constraints The Disadvantages of offshore call centers –   Challenging to adhere to regulatory standards –   Language and cultural barriers lead to lower-quality customer service –   Ensuring proper data security often requires additional investment in technology and training –   Stronger need for quality control and regular monitoring
As with all cost-benefit analyses, there is no easy answer. It’s all about weighing the pros and cons and seeing what meets your business’s needs best. Risk vs. cost Savings On one hand, there is the cost savings of offshore call centers. On the other, the potential risks of regulatory non-compliance. While offshore centers offer significant cost benefits, the financial risks associated with non-compliance are substantial. Long-term customer relationships For businesses that value customer experience above all else, investing in a domestic call center might make more sense. Call centers in the USA provide better quality service. This leads to stronger customer relationships and loyalty and, in turn, higher profits. The nature of business and industry The decision also depends on the nature of your business. Industries handling sensitive personal data (like healthcare or finance) might find more value in domestic call centers. Total cost of ownership (TCO): When considering offshore centers, look beyond immediate cost savings and evaluate the total cost of ownership. This includes compliance, training, data security, and the potential impact on customer satisfaction. Ultimately, a call center must align with your business’s overall strategy, customer service goals, and regulatory environment. You want to find the optimal balance of cost efficiency and compliance adherence.

Future trends in regulatory compliance

As you consider regulatory compliance, it’s always smart to keep an eye on the future. Where is regulatory compliance heading? What new laws will come into play in a few years? Here are future trends we anticipate in regulatory compliance:
  1.   Stricter data privacy laws: As concerns over data breaches and privacy continue to grow, we anticipate seeing stricter regulations similar to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Call centers will need to enhance their data protection measures, ensuring secure handling, storage, and processing of personal information.
  2. Increased focus on customer consent: As call centers increasingly use omnichannel approaches to interact with customers, there may be new regulations focusing on customer consent, disclosure requirements, and the ethical use of technology in customer interactions. This includes clear guidelines on obtaining consent for recording calls and using customer data across different platforms.
  3.   Enhanced global security protocols: For U.S.-based call centers that handle international calls, we anticipate tighter regulations governing the transfer of data across borders. Compliance with frameworks like the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield will be critical for maintaining safe and secure international operations.
  4.   More developed regulations on AI and automation: With the integration of AI and machine learning into call center operations, regulatory bodies will introduce specific guidelines for ethical AI use. This will include transparency in automated decision-making processes and the protection of consumer data used in AI models.
  5.   More robust remote work regulations: The shift towards remote and hybrid work models will necessitate new compliance measures to secure data and maintain privacy outside of the traditional office environment. This could include regulations around secure home networks, the use of personal devices, and remote access to sensitive information.
  6.   Enhanced regulations around accessibility and inclusivity: We wouldn’t be surprised to see a stronger focus on ensuring call center services are accessible and inclusive, complying with regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This would involve providing services that accommodate individuals with disabilities, including the use of adaptive technologies and accessible communication methods.

How to find the right U.S. call center partner

Finding the right U.S. call center partner is vital to business success. You need a third-party provider you trust. One who will:
  • Stay on top of regulatory compliance 
  • Provide high-quality customer support
  • Seamlessly integrate into your team
At Global Response, we provide you with access to the best call centers in the USA. Our onshore call centers enable you to increase your ability to scale, grow your team expertise, improve your service quality, and boost your profitability—all without sacrificing security. We have call centers based in Utah, Montana, Florida, Ohio, and more. This allows you to choose an easily accessible location within your local time zone. Whether you are a luxury brand looking to provide white-glove service or a sensitive industry needing high security, Global Response stands ready to serve you. We offer exceptional customer service, tech support, outbound marketing, and more. Contact us today to see how we can connect you with a trustworthy U.S.-based call center.


USA call centers offer several advantages: 

  • Cultural and linguistic alignment with customers, which enhances customer satisfaction and communication effectiveness 
  • Better equipped to comply with local regulatory and legal standards, such as data privacy laws and consumer protection regulations
  • Quicker response times
  • A better understanding of the local market and customer needs

Generally, domestic call centers have higher operation and labor costs than offshore call centers. This is due to higher wage rates in the domestic market and more stringent regulatory compliance requirements. 

The increased cost is offset by better customer service quality, higher customer satisfaction, and reduced risks associated with non-compliance with international regulations. Businesses often weigh these factors against offshore centers’ cost savings to determine the best option for their needs.

U.S. call centers are primarily governed by the following regulations:

  • The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which restricts telemarketing calls and the use of automated dialing systems
  • The Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR), which sets standards for telemarketing transactions 
  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for call centers dealing with healthcare information

Non-compliance with regulatory standards can lead to significant legal and financial consequences for U.S. call centers. This includes hefty fines, legal actions, and potential damage to their reputation. For instance, violations of the TCPA can result in penalties ranging from $500 to $1,500 per call or message. Moreover, non-compliance with regulations like HIPAA can lead to severe penalties, including criminal charges in extreme cases.

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