Call Center Rates and Pricing

person on the phone discussing call center rates and pricing

Nothing is more crucial to running an effective customer support system than managing rates and pricing. Without timely paychecks and worthwhile incentive systems for exceptional workers, employee motivation drops rapidly, and subsequently, call center attrition increases. Before establishing or revamping your call center, you first have to consider your pricing model and the functions of […]

How to Outsource for Efficiency: BPO for Accuracy and Economy

call center

Think of the in-house resources you’d need to handle the task of entering and auditing information for 10,000 sales contracts per day. For starters, you’d need to budget for office space, employee salaries and benefits, hardware, software, and managers. Achieve BPO efficiency, outsource for accuracy & economy. Given all that, it’s no surprise that a […]

Seasonal Call Center Agents: Your Busy Season’s Beginning, Theirs Is Ending

a seasonal call center agent looking at their phone

A counter-seasonal call center strategy is the key to cutting costs, rapid ramp-up, and increased customer satisfaction. If you’re in a highly seasonal business, consider your business cycle and look for an outsourced call center without a lot of accounts in your same industry. Look for one whose inbound call volume is low while yours […]

KPI 101: Call Center Workforce Management Metrics

typing on kpi laptop

Start measuring performance by creating a dashboard Metrics are used by customer care teams to measure performance and signal when changes are needed to make improvements. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are displayed on a dashboard that allows customer service managers to assess performance and to determine needed changes, such as increasing or decreasing staffing. Call […]

The Importance of Regulatory Compliance in Business

a call center agent discussing the importance of regulatory compliance

All organizations must adhere to a set of guidelines, rules, and regulations that are specific to their industry as part of their operations. Violation of these standard regulations often results in lawsuits, federal fines, and social media backlash. But compliance is often a moving target. Government regulations change. Best practices evolve to meet changing technology.  […]

5 Workforce Management Benefits for Contact Centers

two employees looking at laptop in an office

Staffing numbers are critical in balancing costs and the quality of customer experiences. Workforce Management (WFM) is the discipline used to optimize cost and quality. WFM involves forecasting contact volumes by channel or interactions, staffing during the term, the production of schedules and reporting and analysis of data that allow management to deliver on its […]

What are the Benefits of an Inbound Call Center?

a person on the phone, at their computer, discussing the benefits of an inbound call center

Inbound call centers have a large number of benefits, depending on your company and brand goals. In short, inbound call centers will be optimized to receive and resolve incoming customer communications, identifying customer needs and providing solutions that improve brand trust and loyalty. Who Needs Inbound Call Centers? Luxury brands leverage inbound contact center services […]

3 Luxury Brand Call Center Essentials

luxury brand call center agent working

Managing call center operations for a luxury brand demands that you hold every component of customer service to a higher standard. Today’s consumers expect fast, precise problem resolution when they dial into a contact center, and according to Retail Doc, patrons of luxury brands are much quicker to take their business elsewhere if they feel […]

6 Factors to Consider When Outsourcing

business people meeting

Outsourcing a call center often raises many questions businesses must answer, including: Who is the best outsourcing contact center to partner with? Where will the outsourced call center team be located? How will an outsourced contact center partner protect my data? How much does outsourcing customer service cost? These are all relevant concerns that need […]