a busy hospital where healthcare BPO is improving things
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Enhancing Healthcare Through BPO Solutions

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Healthcare support comes with unique demands: 

  • the need for increased privacy and regulatory compliance 
  • a high-touch, highly personalized client experience 
  • high stress, highly emotional client needs 
  • complicated and detailed industry knowledge 
  • unique billing codes, processes and payment systems 
  • the need for round-the-clock support

To add to that, internal healthcare teams across all types of positions and healthcare organizations are experiencing high levels of burnout, turnover and hiring challenges.

The solution? Healthcare BPO providers deliver high-quality, high-touch customer service—and more—to support internal teams and improve empathy, accuracy, security and satisfaction of your call center, while providing necessary support to your internal teams. 

How exactly does BPO enhance your healthcare support? We’ll outline the key ways in this article. 

Personalized Care as a Standard in Healthcare

Personalization is a growing expectation among consumers—and not just in Retail and Technology. A growing body of research demonstrates that healthcare consumers not only want, but expect personalization as part of the healthcare administration and care process. Consider, for example, that: 

  • 75% of patients want healthcare providers to offer more personalized care options
  • 61% of patients say they would visit their provider more frequently if communications were more tailored to their situation

However, it’s not just that patients want more personalization—personalized care results in better health outcomes. For example, healthcare providers who use personalization effectively saw the following results: 

  • 10% improvement in customer service
  • 20-25% increase in quality standards
  • 30-day reduction in readmissions and length of hospital stays

Further, research also suggests that about 30% of readmissions are avoidable with personalized care and follow-ups. 

So, why isn’t personalized care the standard in healthcare? 

In part because it’s difficult to manage, especially at scale. That’s where a trusted healthcare BPO partner can enhance your solutions. 

While personalized care and bedside manner is essential during care—for both health outcomes and customer retention—personalized care is just as important during administrative processes and follow-up care as well, and a healthcare BPO provider can help support that. 

With BPO support, you can offer increasingly personalized support for: 

  • appointment-setting
  • care follow-ups
  • customer service 
  • billing and payments 
  • and more

All of this not only allows you to meet consumer expectations—allowing for stronger satisfaction and retention—but also improves healthcare outcomes and organizational results. 

Addressing Industry Challenges with BPO Solutions

BPO isn’t just a benefit for patients, though—it also provides necessary support for overworked healthcare teams. 

In healthcare today, burnout remains a massive issue for staff satisfaction and retention, which trickles down into patient care, healthcare outcomes and organizational challenges. Recent research indicates that burnout touches every aspect of the healthcare system: 

  • 56% of nurses reported high levels of burnout
  • 47% of doctors reported high levels of burnout 
  • 46% of non-clinical staff reported high levels of burnout

Especially in healthcare, BPO support allows you to tackle and overcome these rates of burnout, especially among non-clinical staff. By supporting your administrative, insurance, financial, and other non-clinical staff members with a dedicated healthcare BPO team, you can provide necessary support to decrease workloads and reduce manual, tedious and repetitive tasks. 

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Among some of the most commonly outsourced tasks for BPO healthcare teams are: 

  • claims processing
  • medical billing and payments
  • data entry and management 
  • appointment setting
  • patient follow-ups and appointment reminders 
  • IT services

With these tasks off the shoulders of your internal team, your internal staff will not only have more bandwidth to manage critical operations, but they’ll also have the support they need to reduce burnout and increase staff retention.

Comprehensive Support for Healthcare Needs

What’s more, healthcare BPO support allows your team to offer more high-touch, flexible support for both members and patients.

In healthcare, high-touch support is crucial. When patients come with questions, concerns or needs, they’re not wanting to repair a device or upgrade a subscription—they’re taking care of themselves and their loved ones, which comes at a much greater cost and value. 

As a result, a healthcare BPO team can help you make your support more flexible, accessible and convenient for patients, offering better care, especially when it comes to customer support. Outsourcing customer support to a BPO team is one of the most common ways to use BPO support—and with a team of great agents behind you, you can provide the human touch necessary for high-touch industries like healthcare. 

At Global Response, we have decades of experience working with healthcare teams and other brands to deliver BPO and customer service support, providing results like

  • 40% improvement in speed of answer
  • 28% decrease in client issues
  • personalized, high-touch care that exceeds customer expectations

BPO can help you provide instant support to your patients, avoiding “waiting room” delays, while improving patient satisfaction and care. 

Expertise in Healthcare Benefits and Insurance

Our BPO services at Global Response aren’t limited to care-related inquiries—a dedicated BPO team can also help your team manage healthcare benefits and insurance-related needs as well. 

BPO insurance specialists can help manage all kinds of health insurance client questions, including: 

  • benefits
  • coverage
  • co-pays
  • deductibles
  • claims
  • balances and payments
  • eligibility 
  • pre-certifications 
  • and more!

With specialist knowledge, managing complex insurance inquiries is a snap—and doesn’t have to bog down your in-house team. In addition, it’s much faster to improve processes when hiring externally. With an internal team, you need to hire, then train, then develop processes to optimize. When you work with a specialized healthcare BPO team, you can hire a team who already has the knowledge and expertise you’re looking for, with processes that are optimized for team efficiency and patient satisfaction. 

A healthcare BPO team also provides scalable support to seamlessly extend your internal team. Whether or not you already provide benefit support, BPO provides you the scalability you need during open enrollment or any season with higher call volume or more complex inquiries.  

Commitment to Privacy and Security

Finally, a dedicated Healthcare BPO team can provide the highest standard of data security and privacy that healthcare organizations need.

While every BPO team should have some layers of security and privacy, a dedicated healthcare team—like ours at Global Response—provides the utmost security and privacy for you and your client’s trust. As healthcare technology grows, we have rigorous standards for meeting HIPAA and other data privacy standards. 

When you manage everything in-house, keeping tabs on privacy and security regulations can be a massive task for your internal teams, requiring strong IT support and processes. Without strict oversight, it’s easy to let things slip through the cracks, or to develop a tech stack that doesn’t fully integrate for seamless support. A BPO team can provide the processes, support and security you need to fully support your clients.  

Is a Healthcare BPO Solution Right for You?

Whether you’re looking to: 

  • provide more personalized and empathetic care 
  • create more optimized processes 
  • offer expanded services or accessibility 
  • reduce staff burnout with expanded team support 
  • improve client satisfaction and resolutions

…BPO support can offer a solution that fits your needs and organization. At Global Response, we have 40+ years of experience offering BPO solutions and support to healthcare organizations, with an emphasis on high-touch, empathetic and personalized client experiences. Your patients are our top priority—and we take a human-first approach that allows you to effortlessly scale your team and services, without losing quality. 

To see how the Global Response difference can work for your company, connect with an expert from our team today.


Healthcare BPO services provide a wider range of services, and a higher quality or service and support, than traditional call centers. Traditional call centers focus on inbound (and occasionally outbound) calling, whereas BPO teams can provide support for a variety of business operations, including medical billing and coding, data entry and more.
BPO solutions provide enhanced patient care and support through increased accessibility, specialized knowledge, and more personalized service.
Outsourcing healthcare customer service can provide enhanced empathy, personalized, client satisfaction, efficiency and resolutions. In addition to a higher-quality experience for your patients, outsourcing can provide necessary support for combating internal staff burnout, greater support accessibility for clients, and a scalable solution that ensures you’re always there for your customers.
Each BPO provider may have their own methods of ensuring compliance, but at the minimum, BPO providers should have: (a) a timeline for regular compliance checks and updates, (b) dedicated team members to ensure updates are enforced, and (c) regular training and quality assurance processes to ensure that compliance is maintained consistently.
Most importantly, healthcare providers should look for a BPO partner that is experienced in working with healthcare organizations. Without that critical experience, BPO providers may not be able to meet the needs of your organization. In addition, looking for a BPO provider that is HIPAA-certified is a must, as is a provider who can provide the services you need at a level of scalability that makes sense for your team.

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